
We develop superiorly efficient products that are less expensive than our competitor’s in every industry in which we participate.

Our Products

We make and market products with top nanotechnology, such as nanoparticles to be applied in different industries.


Ready for production

Patent pending

Fully developed

The Nanogasa® is an ultra fine cotton mesh impregnated with nano-structured components that help maintain the wound in an antiseptic state and in an environment prone to tissue restoration, eliminating 99% of the microorganisms that cause infections and accelerating the healing process of the patient.


Ready for production

Patent pending

Fully developed

The Nano-membrane® is a biopolymer that works as a base in order to take over the cells. It also helps to restore dermal wounds, potentiate tissue regeneration, eliminate any potential infection and bio-absorb itself inside the application area.

Neural Move®

being developed

The Neuralmove® is a spinal neurostimulator made up by nano sized components, which make the device smaller in order to be introduced in large surgical complexity areas, potentializing the electric impulses on that area in order for the patient to be able to recover their mobility.

Nano Cleanser®

Patent pending

Fully developed

This is a nano structured impregnable solution. The main active component contains metallic nanoparticles that, as soon as impregnated in a wound or in a surgical handling area, assure the creation of an anti microbial barrier that facilitates the healing process of the treated area.